Is he a Fighter or a Lover?

  I recently presented a shortlist of three excellent candidates to a client.  The role was that of a Senior Business Development Manager.  The client listened to my appraisals and read the CV’s. She then indicated a particular interest in one of the candidates and turned to me and asked “But is he a fighter[…]

I’m Loving My New Role

  I recently met up with a fellow who had been appointed to a new role a few months ago.  It’s always good to catch up with recent appointees and hear how they are going. He couldn’t wait to tell me how pleased he was with the role and the company for which he now[…]

Trusting Your Recruiter

  An experienced recruiter has the potential to make a substantial contribution to a client’s organisation.  For this to be achieved the recruiter must be trusted and be considered as a ‘trusted advisor’.  What do I mean by this? In its simplest form the relationship sees the recruiter finding an appropriately qualified candidate who is[…]