What problem can you solve

I would like to share an article What problem can you solve by Liz Ryan. This is a great article as it focuses on the idea that hiring managers and for that matter businesses have pain and a recruiters role is to solve that business pain. What are your thoughts? If you have any questions[…]

The overwhelmed employee

I would like to share an article by Josh Bersin Why companies fail to engage today’s workforce The overwhelmed employee. The article explains how companies are struggling to engage our modern, 21st century workforce. This is a worldwide issue. Gallup research shows that only 13% of employees around the world are actively engaged at work, and more[…]

Three mistakes to avoid when networking

I would like to share with you an article Three mistakes to avoid when networking by Dorie Clark. Given the importance of networking both in our professional and personal lives this article really can help you improve your networking skills. Dorie highlights the following three mistakes people make; Misunderstanding the pecking order. Asking to receive[…]